5 Things For Your Cat To Avoid This Holiday
The holiday season is upon us. We know we’re rushing around. We know what we’re stressed about. What about your cat? What may be stressing them? Some things that can stress them can be physically dangerous. Others just don’t agree with a cat’s generally solitary personality.
1. The Change in Routine
Cats are big on routine and the changes that come during the holidays can be hard. You may not be home as predictably and you may have more packages and different food. Things may smell different. This can be stressful to your cat.
2. A houseful of people

Cats like to know what’s going on, but too many people, even if they know all of them can be hard on them. Let them have a room to themselves where they don’t need to be on display. They need the space. Be sure they have access to plenty of food, water and a litter box. Of course, some cats are natural clowns and seem to love the attention. Remember when even they get tired, to let them rest. They’re like children. If they get too much stimulation and they’ll be cranky later on.
3. Extra treats
The cats may like the extra treats, but they aren’t good for their systems. A little turkey might be okay, but turkey bones can be a problem. Sweets are never good for any pet, so try and keep them to a minimum. Your cat may not be happy about it, but in the long run they’ll be healthier.

4. Eating the Decorations!
Cats find tinsel and ribbons fascinating. They may also like the ornaments on the tree, which may be attached via a metal hangar. Ingesting these things can be dangerous to your cat. Ribbon and tinsel can cut lips, tongues and even the delicate lining of the intestinal tract. They can clog the digestive system, requiring emergency intervention. The metal hangars can poke eyes, noses and even tongues.
Even the water in the Christmas tree stand can be harmful if you’ve used products to keep the tree looking green longer. Either keep your cat away from the tree or use only plain water in the tree stand.
5. Noise
More music and more talking can be upsetting to your cat. This falls into the category of too many people, but sometimes we don’t have that many people over and we’re still making a lot of noise. This racket can cause the cat stress.
We love our cats and want them to be part of the festivities, but remember that many of these things can be very stressful to them. Take some time to slow down and pet your cat. Stroking your cat, listening to them purr can be a great stress reliever for both