Do Cats Really Bond With Their Owners?
A lot of experts will tell you cats are really just independent animals that have no need to bond with a person. They believe that cats have stuck around humans as a survival strategy.
But there are those who know differently. They have owned cats and have come to appreciate their ability to bond with someone in the home.
You know when a cat wants to bond with you. They’ll rub against your leg, look to see what you see, and jump up on your lap seeking attention. If you’re lucky they’ll jump up on the bed with you and snuggle up to you while you’re sleeping. They will also purr which is a sign that they have bonded with you.
Some cat owners believe that bonding may be due to a psychic aura that is compatible with the person and the cat. If the cat feels a bad vibe then they will ignore that person and move on. If there’s a good vibe, then the cat will pick up on this and be happy to be with the person.

A more realistic idea that cats are comforted by familiar smells and normal movements. If they are sick or tired, then the comforting smell of a human that they know may bond the cat to the human. If their human moves in a predictable way, and telegraphs their movements, this will give comfort to the cat.
Cats are very sensitive to the data that is in the world around them. They can detect moods and atmosphere intuitively. They will detect the mood that a person is in and react accordingly. If you are fearful, your cat will be fearful. If you are unhappy, it’s likely your cat will feel unhappy.
No one really knows why cats bond with humans. Except cat owners know that cats crave attention and this feels like bonding. Cats love to be pampered by their owners, and will in turn give you much attention and affection if you just give them the chance.