How To Fix Top 5 Common Cat Behavior Problems
Common Cat Behavior Problems
Is your cat using your sofa as a scratching post? Or having a great time leaving claw marks on your door ? Cat behavior problems can be frustrating to understand and deal with. But things can get easier if you know your cat.
Biting and Scratching
It’s normal for a cat to scratch and bite if someone has trodden on its paws, or if it is scared, or forced to do something. Cats can become defensive if they are hurt or in danger.
A cat’s biting and scratching are habits that a cat has learned because that is what it has learned to do. It is a problem of miscommunication. So you need to keep away and stop doing those things that are making your cat behave the way it is. Although, if your cat is just swiping you gently with its paw, or nibbling you, it’s probably just playing a game.
Picky Cats

Cats are known for their being picky. But according to experts, this behavior is not innate but learned. Cats in general are happy to eat the same kind of food twice a day for their whole life.
It is common for cat owners to create their cat’s picky behavior by giving their cat a variety of food. They fear that their cat will get bored of eating the same kind of food everyday. When they see their cat walking away and not eating, they think it is the flavor or taste of the food that is to blame, so they put out different food. But To deal with picky cats, owners shouldn’t be so quick to change the food. In fact, they should stick to a narrow range of tried and trusted foods.
Toileting Problems

Cats don’t learn how to use the litter box on their own. It turns out that you are the one who has to do this as your cat’s personal trainer.
This is a one way to help train your cat. Put your cat in a crate with the litter box, water and food inside. Get her out of the crate when she begins using the litter box. Then place her back inside after an hour or so. In this way, you are teaching her that she gets to go outside freely when she learns to use the litter box.
But when the cat suddenly starts toileting improperly again, it indicates that she’s out of sorts. Best to take her to a veterinarian. She’s not going to make any improvement at all if there’s a physical ailment that is in the way.
Cats Eating Weird Things
We know that cats are curious by nature. When they discover the world, they come to figure out the things around them. They get to know what’s considered food and what’s not. Small pieces of metal, string, plastic and rubber bands are just some of the tiny items they play with in their mouth.
It’s necessary to keep these tiny items in their proper places. This is so they don’t cause harm to your cat. The chance of fatal blockages in their digestive system is not a risk worth taking. Note also that this behavior may also indicate that your pet cat is actually hungry.
Cats also develop the habit of eating strange things out of boredom. So ensure your cat is stimulated with toys or play. If you spend quality time with your cat it’s good for your cat, and it’s also good for you.
Scratching Furniture

Every feline has a desire to scratch. They have claws aterall, and the instinct to scratch is part of their ancestral heritage. Scratching also has everyday functions that help the cat. For example, cats scratch to mark their territory and make other cats aware that they are trespassing.
We know that cats love to stretch, and scratching helps limber up their muscles. It’s a good idea to give your cat a scratching pole made of woven fabric. Cats are drawn to textured surfaces. They just have to run their claws over it. So this keeps them away from scratching surfaces that aren’t as fun.
Take the time to analyze your cat. The behavior that your cat shows happens for a reason. If you can identify the reason, there’s a good chance you can find a way to fix it.