The Tonkinese Dog Cat
Believe it or not, there are certain breeds of cats that are so people oriented, like dogs are, that they are referred to as dog cats. They are Tonkinese Dog Cat. But the beautiful bonus to owning a Tonkinese cat over a…
Believe it or not, there are certain breeds of cats that are so people oriented, like dogs are, that they are referred to as dog cats. They are Tonkinese Dog Cat. But the beautiful bonus to owning a Tonkinese cat over a…
The translation for Korat is ‘Good Fortune” so they are known as the Good Luck Cats. The earliest mention of Korats comes from a Thai book called The Cat-Book Poems that was produced sometime between 1350 and 1767. The book can be…
Salt Lake City, UT. A cat jumped in an Amazon box when know one was looking, and got accidentally shipped 650 miles from Utah to California. The cat, Galena, was found in the box by an Amazon worker at the Amazon depot…
All sorts of natural disasters can occur at any time. There are floods in Pennsylvania, tornadoes in the Midwest, and wildfires in many states. You see them happen on the news, in social media, or just in passing. But then one day…
Top FCA Cat Breed The Cat Fanciers Association had Ragdolls as their #1 popular cat breed for four consecutive years, including last year in 2023. Ragdolls are popular because of their playfullness and suitability as a companion pet. People love to have…
First you see your cat looking pleased with itself, and in the next instant see the poor little mouse that has been dragged in. Why is your cat bringing a mouse into the house? Does your cat really intend to eat the…
RICHMOND, Va. There is a new law starting in July that bans veterinarians from declawing cats, unless there’s a valid medical reason to perform the operation. The banning of declawing in Virgina is great news for cat lovers who have petitioned for…
Cat Skin Problems Dealing with cat skin problems first requires the help of a veterinary. The vet will diagnose what type of skin condition your cat is suffering judging from the appearance. In this section we will take a look at cat skin problems…
If you’ve seen a cat inhaling catnip, they seem to go into a euphoria. It is like a drug for a feline. They roll in it, rub their cheek against the catnip, and sometimes look intoxicated. What is it about catnip that…
Common Cat Behavior Problems Is your cat using your sofa as a scratching post? Or having a great time leaving claw marks on your door ? Cat behavior problems can be frustrating to understand and deal with. But things can get easier…