Cross Country Cat Travels 650 Miles In A Box
Salt Lake City, UT. A cat jumped in an Amazon box when know one was looking, and got accidentally shipped 650 miles from Utah to California.
The cat, Galena, was found in the box by an Amazon worker at the Amazon depot in Los Angeles. Also in the box were some Caterpillar steel cap workboots.
“Galena loves boxes, it’s just part of her personality,” Carrie Clark, the cat’s owner, told KSL TV.

When Galena went missing, friends and family frantically searched their house, and neighborhood for a week, while they placed missing cat posters around the town and on social media.
Galena arrived in Riverside, California, on April 17. Since going missing in Utah on April 10, Galena hadn’t had anything to drink or eat for a full week.
When Galena arrived in Los Angeles, Brandy, an Amazon worker, looked in the box and found the cat shivering and shaking. Brandy took the cat to a vet for a check-up.
Carrie Clark received a text that Galena’s microchip had been scanned that afternoon. Soon after, and much to her amazement, she also got a call from the vet in California.

“I ran to tell my husband that Galena was found and we broke down upon realizing that she must have jumped into an oversized box that we shipped out the previous Wednesday,” Clark said.
“Galena is a huge emotional support to me and has helped me get through many health challenges over the past six years,” Clark told KSL TV. “The anxiety and stress of not knowing what happened to her was excruciating.”
After Carrie Clark got the call from the vet, Carrie, and her husband Matt, flew 1000 miles to California to get Galena.
“It was an amazing reunion! Galena instantly stopped shaking and relaxed in my arms when I got to hold her again.”
Now that Galena is safely back in Utah, Ms Clark urged people to get their cat microchipped and keep their contact details updated. She also recommends people check their Amazon packages in case they also have a stowaway cat.
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